Horsham Monthly Meeting

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Clerk: Evelyn P. Carpenter Meeting Drawing
Worship: 10:30 AM Each Sunday
Address: Meetinghouse Rd & Easton Rd (Rt. 611)
Horsham, PA 19044
Phone: (215) 672-1714

Click Here for directions to the Meetinghouse.

"As many candles lighted and put in one place do greatly augment the light and make it more to shine forth, so when many are gathered together into the same life there is more of the glory of God, and His power appears to the refreshment of each individual, for each partakes not only of the light and life raised in himself, but in all the rest. -- Robert Barclay (1648-1690)"

We welcome you to our Meeting and hope that together we will find strength and peace as we worship. The following notes may be of help to those of our visitors who are unfamiliar with Quaker worship. We as Friends believe that there is something of God in everyone - a Christ within or an Inner Light. We worship together - without clergyman, ritual or music - because we hope to become more aware of God's light guiding us and His voice speaking to us. Through prayer and silent meditation we strive to come into a real awareness of the Divine Presence working in us.

As we seek to know God's will, we may feel within an inspiration to share with others the insights we have gained. Such sharing may take the form of vocal prayer or ministry; from time to time others in the Meeting will feel similarly moved to respond to these messages. Thus out of the silence often emerges a real sense of shared communion with the Father of us all.

We invite you to get to know our meeting. Ours is an historic Meeting House, with deep roots in this community and this state. The first Friends Meeting in Horsham met as early as 1716. The ground for the Meeting House, the adjacent farm, and the graveyard and schoolhouse was originally part of Penn's Woods. A fifty-acre tract was deeded to Friends by Hannah Carpenter in 1718. The present Meeting House was built in 1803; social room, kitchen, and class rooms were added in 1961.

Horsham Monthly Meeting
Message Board
Please enjoy a century-old
poem about Horsham Meeting

For more information, send an e-mail to Horsham Monthly Meeting

The Quaker School at Horsham

The Quaker School at Horsham is a Friends elementary and middle school for children with learning differences. The educational program is flexible and specifically geared to meet the individual learning style of each student. Click here for more information.

Other Links

These sites are rich in content and most contain many links
to other sites with a Quaker orientation.

*Faith and Practice A link to an on-line copy of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's most recent edition of Faith and Practice of Quakerism.

*Philadelphia Yearly Meeting An electronic source for information about the publications and activities of the yearly meeting.

*Friends General Conference Information about the conferences, publications and gatherings of the FGC, an organization that supports the unprogrammed tradition of the Society of Friends.

*Pendle Hill A link to the Quaker center for study and contemplation. It lists current and future programs, and a list of publications. An on-line bookstore is available.

*The Quaker Home Page Links to many Quaker organizations and bibliographies, as well as sites that, though they contain "Quaker" in their names, have nothing to do with the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker Oats, for example).<

*Friends Tract Association A source for tracts on a variety of Quaker beliefs and practices.

*QUIP - Quakers Uniting in Publications A network of Friends organizations and individuals concerned with the ministry of the written word.

*Quaker Pages A Christian Quaker Web Site, Maintained by Peter Sippel.

*Amy Jarrett will answer genealogical inquiries relating to the history of Horsham Friends Meeting.
Comments about this web page? e-mail: Horsham Friends Meeting's web maintainer.

2 March 2001