Red State/Blue State
Interesting article from Fortune Magazine
Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but an interesting point. For the most part, the Blue States pay out much more to the Federal Government than they receive back. The Red States, on the other hand, are just the opposite. In other words, those free spending stupid northern liberals are funding all the federal giveaways to the anti-tax republicans in the south. Alabama alone got $100 billion more from the Federal Government than it contributed.
The Tax Foundation, a right-leaning organization dedicated to simplifying taxes, presents the information in tabular form. For each dollar they contributed to the federal government, Alaska spent $1.82, Mississippi $1.84, Oklahoma $1.47, South Dakota $1.59, Kentucky $1.46, Montana $1.64, Louisianna $1.44, South Carolina $1.32, North Dakota $2.04 and so on. California and New York? $0.81, Connecticut? $0.64, Massachusetts? $0.79, Minnesota? $0.77, Michigan? $0.90, Delaware? $0.85, Washington? $0.91, Wisconsin? $0.87. And New Jersey? a whopping $0.62.
If you red states are so anti-tax, how about giving us back some of our money? If welfare is a dirty word, ought it to be given to states that can’t support themselves? It kind of gives a different meaning to the term “welfare state”, doesn’t it?
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And yes, there are exceptions. Texas pays out more than it takes it, and Pennsylvania spends $1.08 for every dollar paid.
On the other hand, James Carville did once describe PA as "The state with Philadelphia at one end, Pittsburgh at the other, and Alabama in the middle."
By folsom on 11.18.04 10:15 am
My my aren’t we divisive Mr. Blue State?
By Jack777 on 11.22.04 4:09 pm
I think though, you can admit, he has a point.
or are you going to disagree with those statistics as well?
By Tom Folsom on 11.22.04 6:03 pm
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