Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither, and lose both.
-- Benjamin Franklin

William Jefferson is a democrat representative from Lousiana. What is particularly telling is that William Jefferson is also a crook, having taken bribes and otherwise disgraced his office.

Given that, let’s do a comparison.

When this information became overwhelmingly convincing, Nacy Pelosi, the Democratic Leader of Congress, formally and publicly requested that Jefferson resign his leadership posts.

In contrast, when it became more and more obvious that Tom Delay was a crook, the Republican leadership attempted to change their own rules, so that an indicted member of Congress in the Republican Party did not need to resign his leadership positions.

Two crooks, two different responses.

Oh. One more thing: our own Mike Fitzpatrick, freshman representative in congress, cast his very first vote ever for the Delay rule, so that the Hammer would not have to step down from his positition upon indictment.

Independent my ass.

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