Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither, and lose both.
-- Benjamin Franklin

Today and Healthcare

The issue of healthcare is not academic and impersonal, it is individual and personal.

Today I attended the funeral of a promising young man, age 26, who took his own life. I asked his closest relative if he had been seeing anyone for his ongoing depression, and the response was “He couldn’t afford that, he had no insurance.” He had been working part-time while trying to put himself through college.

To each of you, individually, who has railed in the last year or so against providing the universal healthcare which is available in every other civilized country: You, individually and personally, are to some extent responsible for this young man’s death. You, individually and personally, hyave no right to call yourself a Christian, Jew,or whatever your religious affiliation; none of them condone this abandonment and disregard of the needy. You, individually and personally, are fundamentally evil. And I, individually, will never forgive any of you, individually and personally, for whatever your role was in this young man’s death. The next time this happens, and it will, may it be your son, daughter, brother or sister laying in that bathtub with the bullet throught their head.

Want to respond? Argue? defend your beliefs? Don’t bother. You have absolutely nothing relevant to say.

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