Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither, and lose both.
-- Benjamin Franklin

Missing Jobs

The Bush administration claims the economy is improving, even though most of us don’t see or feel that. There are claims of new jobs added, and disputes as to the “quality” of those jobs. The issue isn’t the lost or regained jobs, though. As our population grows, approximately 150,000 new jobs are needed each month just to hold our own. This chart from (which I heartily recommend) shows the missing jobs, or those that should have been created through population growth plus the lost jobs, a total of nearly 7 million jobs.

The administration will argue that a national crisis has caused these problems, but the simple fact is that President Bush will finish his first term with a net loss of US jobs even ignoring normal growth, and be the first president to do so since the Great Depression. Surely there have been other crises in this country since then. The difference is that we have had administrations capable of handling them.

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