Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither, and lose both.
-- Benjamin Franklin

Social Security Reform

From an article in the Chicago Tribune:

\The prospect of 100 million Americans each having $1,000 of their Social Security contributions to invest every year has investment professionals salivating at the potential financial bonanza.\

Gee. No Kidding….

Combine that with the boost in stock prices when additional money starts competing for the same number of shares, and there will definitely be a windfall for somebody. Maybe those with significant money already in the market? I wonder what strata of society __those__ would be.

We still don’t have an explanation of how we will fund the retirees in the future who have invested in Social Security when that money diverted to the stock market is no longer coming in, nor do we have any “safety net” guarantees for the those who choose the market alternative, when the market tanks as it did three years ago.

If you think the president’s plan makes any sense at all, ask a Social Security employee, who deals with the benefits, people, and finances every day.

I have.

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