Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither, and lose both.
-- Benjamin Franklin

It’s not politics…

Bush proposes an intelligence czar in accordance with the 911 commission report. Unfortunately, the details aren’t thought through, and bilaterally congress, and the actual commission, argue that this needs to be planned much more thoroughly with more sweeping changes, than the president recommends. Apparently he gave this a few seconds thought while getting back on his mountain bike after landing on his head.

Tom Ridge claims the recent rise to “Orange Alert” in the financial districts of New York and New Jersey wasn’t politically motivated, after it is revealed that the information which led to the alert is as much as four years old, and none more recent than last January, and no timeframe or date was indicated. If this isn’t politically motivated, why weren’t those details released at the same time as the headlines about the alert were splashed all over the pages?

A letter to the editor in the August 3rd NYT:

To the Editor:

I live in northern New Jersey and work in Midtown Manhattan, near the Citicorp Center. I was listening carefully to Tom Ridge’s warning, as the sites he was mentioning for possible attacks basically encompassed all of my daily life. Then he said, “We must understand that the kind of information available to us today is the result of the president’s leadership in the war against terror.”

I realized that I was listening to a paid political announcement and turned the radio off. The credibility of the announcement had been reduced to zero.

John Morley
Ridgewood, N.J., Aug. 2, 2004

It seems the only “intelligence” czar we need is someone to find it, somewhere, in the administration.

Oh. And the military death toll in Iraq is now 920, 85% of which were after the famous “Mission Accomplished” photo-op.

Still no WMD.

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